Evesham Curtain Headers

Curtain headings come in a variety of styles which include:

1. Pencil Pleat
2. Single Pinch Pleat
3. Double Pinch Pleat
4. Triple Pinch Pleat
5. Goblet Pleat
6. Eyelet Pleat
7. Wave Pleat

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    • Pleat sample by by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Wave pleat by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Standard Pinch Pleat by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Standard Pencil Pleat by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Goblet Pleat by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Eyelet saample by laskeys blind and curtain company
    • Deep Pencil Pleat sample by laskeys blind and curtain company